Unboxing Doll House 168 DH20-80/E & DH20-80/G with ›Shiori‹ and ›Nao‹ heads

Today we posted an Unboxing review about miniature love dolls DH20-80/E and DH20-80/G by Doll House 168 with four heads (›Shiori‹ #1, #2, and #3, and ›Nao‹).

[http://dollbase.org/node/4176/ Read more on The Doll Base…]

Topics covered in this Unboxing are:

* Shipping & Packaging - 1
* Padding and Wrapping - 2
* The Bodies - 3
* The Heads - 4
* The Wigs - 5
* The Outfits - 6
* The Assembled Dolls - 7
* The Dolls Side-by-side - 8
* Conclusion - 9

This Unboxing does not include in-depth reviewing like an endoscope inspection.

To view more pictures from Unboxing Doll House 168 DH20-80/E & DH20-80/G with ›Shiori‹ and ›Nao‹ heads, please click on the thumbnails on the left.

Unboxing Doll House 168 DH20-80/E & DH20-80/G with ›Shiori‹ and ›Nao‹ heads - Do
Unboxing Doll House 168 DH20-80/E & DH20-80/G with ›Shiori‹ and ›Nao‹ heads - Do
Unboxing Doll House 168 DH20-80/E & DH20-80/G with ›Shiori‹ and ›Nao‹ heads - Do
Unboxing Doll House 168 DH20-80/E & DH20-80/G with ›Shiori‹ and ›Nao‹ heads - Do