SM Doll

The SM-175/L is a life-sized female love doll by SM Doll. Her body size is about 175 cm and she weights ca. 46 kg (manufacturer specs).

The SM-175/L is made of TPE and features a posable metal skeleton with hinges.

Body measurements: 110 cm × 53.5 cm × 97 cm (BWH) / 65 cm (under bust) / 50 cm (arm length) / 87 cm (leg length) / 23 cm (foot length) / 18 cm (palm length).

Many attributes may be customized; for example, you can select diffent skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from other TPE love dolls.

SM Doll SM-175/L body style with no. 32 head (SM no. 32) - TPE
SM Doll SM-175/L body style with no. 32 head (SM no. 32) - TPESM Doll SM-175/L body style with no. 32 head (SM no. 32) - TPESM Doll SM-175/L body style with no. 32 head (SM no. 32) - TPESM Doll SM-175/L body style with no. 30 and no. 6 heads - factory photo (12/2021SM Doll SM-175/L body style with no. 30 and no. 6 heads - factory photo (12/2021SM Doll SM-175/L body style with no. 30 and no. 6 heads - factory photo (12/2021SM Doll SM-175/L body style with no. 30 and no. 6 heads - factory photo (12/2021SM Doll SM-175/L body style with no. 30 and no. 6 heads - factory photo (12/2021SM Doll SM-175/L body style with no. 30 and no. 6 heads - factory photo (12/2021SM Doll SM-175/L body style with no. 30 and no. 6 heads - factory photo (12/2021SM Doll SM-175/L body style with no. 30 and no. 6 heads - factory photo (12/2021
2.370€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

Head no. 76 (Shangmei no. 76) is a female head by SM Doll.

The head is made of TPE.

Lots of attributes may be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

SM Doll head no. 76 (Shangmei no. 76) - TPE
SM Doll head no. 76 (Shangmei no. 76) - photo courtesy of IndigoSM Doll head no. 76 (Shangmei no. 76) - photo courtesy of IndigoSM Doll head no. 76 (Shangmei no. 76) - photo courtesy of IndigoSM Doll head no. 76 (Shangmei no. 76) - photo courtesy of Indigo
728€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

SM Doll Skeleton


These skeletons are used by SM Doll and Mate Doll as of 12/2018.


Head no. 93 (Shangmei no. 93) is a female head by SM Doll.

The head is made of TPE.

Lots of attributes may be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

SM Doll head no. 93 (Shangmei no. 93) - TPE
728€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

Recently, Mate Doll released new photos with the MT-157/B body style and Shangmei no. 93 head.

The MT-157/B is a life-sized TPE love doll with a natural body shape. The heas is optionally available in TPE as in silicone.

Recently, Mate Doll released new photos with the MT-155/B body style and Shangmei no. 70 head.

The MT-155/B is a life-sized TPE love doll with a natural body shape. The head is optionally available in either TPE or in silicone.

Head no. 95 (Shangmei no. 95) is a female head by SM Doll.

The head is made of TPE.

Lots of attributes may be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

SM Doll head no. 95 (Shangmei no. 95) - TPE
728€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

Recently, Mate Doll released new photos with the MT-155/B body style and Shangmei no. 95 head.

The MT-155/B is a life-sized TPE love doll with a natural body shape. The head is optionally available in either TPE or in silicone.

Head no. 18 (Shangmei no. 18) is a female head by SM Doll.

The head is made of TPE.

Lots of attributes may be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

SM Doll head no. 18 (Shangmei no. 18) - TPE
728€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

Recently, Mate Doll released new photos with the MT-155/B body style and Shangmei no. 18 head.

The MT-155/B is a life-sized TPE love doll with a natural body shape. The head is optionally available in either TPE or in silicone.

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